Tejas Movie

Tejas Movie Review: Kangana Ranaut Soars in an Ambitious Aviation Thriller


In the ever-evolving landscape of Indian cinema, Kangana Ranaut returns to the spotlight with Tejas, an aviation thriller that aims to inspire. Directed by Sarvesh Mewara, the film explores the groundbreaking decision by the Indian Air Force to integrate women into combat roles. Does Ranaut’s latest endeavor signal a triumphant return to form?
Spoiler alert: it’s a mixed bag, but one that offers a compelling viewing experience.

Plot Summary:

Tejas follows the journey of Tejas Gill (Kangana Ranaut), a skilled Air Force pilot, alongside her partner Afia (Anshul Chauhan). The duo embarks on a high-stakes mission to rescue a kidnapped civil servant from a treacherous, remote island. While the premise is engaging and rooted in real-life events, the execution leaves much to be desired. The storyline zips through key moments, often sacrificing depth for pace, which can make it difficult for audiences to connect with the characters.

Technical Aspects:

Visually, Tejas presents a mixed bag. The cinematography by Hari K Vedantam stands out, especially in capturing the adrenaline-fueled airstrikes and intense flight sequences. However, the film’s visual effects (VFX) disappoint. The aircraft often resemble toy models against a green screen backdrop, which detracts from the immersion that such a thrilling premise deserves. In an era where audiences expect cutting-edge VFX, this shortfall is hard to overlook.

Acting and Characters:

Kangana Ranaut delivers a commendable performance as Tejas Gill, embodying the fierce spirit of an Air Force pilot with authenticity and vigor. She effortlessly slides into the role, commanding the screen with her presence. Anshul Chauhan, as her co-pilot Afia, proves to be a strong counterpart, providing a balanced performance that complements Ranaut’s intensity. While Ashish Vidyarthi appears in a brief yet impactful role, the character arcs could have been more fleshed out to enhance emotional engagement.

Direction and Screenplay:

Sarvesh Mewara’s direction is competent but somewhat hampered by a screenplay that hurriedly transitions between scenes. The film’s pacing, especially in the first half, feels rushed, preventing the audience from fully absorbing the narrative or developing a connection with the characters. While the intent to tell a powerful story is evident, the execution lacks the finesse needed to elevate the film from good to great.

Themes and Message:

At its core, Tejas champions the empowerment of women in the armed forces, making a significant statement about gender equality in traditionally male-dominated fields. The film’s attempt to highlight this progressive shift is commendable, but it could have delved deeper into the personal and professional challenges faced by women in combat. The underlying message of courage and resilience is powerful, yet the storytelling often glosses over the nuances that would have enriched this theme.


In terms of comparison, Tejas may remind viewers of films like Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, which also focuses on a woman’s journey in the Indian Air Force. However, while Gunjan Saxena manages to weave heartfelt storytelling with its message, Tejas struggles to achieve a similar balance. Sarvesh Mewara’s direction, though ambitious, does not quite reach the emotional depth found in other military dramas.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros:
  • – Kangana Ranaut’s stellar performance as Tejas Gill.
  • – Strong cinematography that captures aerial action.
  • – A commendable message about gender equality and empowerment.
  • Cons:
  • – Weak VFX that detracts from the overall experience.
  • – A rushed narrative that hampers character development.
  • – Direction and screenplay that lack depth and pacing finesse.

Conclusion and Rating:

In summary, Tejas is a film with great intentions that occasionally falters in execution. While Kangana Ranaut’s performance and the film’s visual ambition are commendable, the rushed narrative and lackluster visual effects hold it back from greatness. Nevertheless, it manages to be an engaging watch, especially for fans of aviation thrillers and stories of empowerment. I’m giving Tejas a score of 3.5 out of 5 stars. If you’re looking for a film that showcases a woman’s strength while soaring through the skies, Tejas might just be worth your time—just don’t expect it to take off without a few bumps along the way.


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